Whyte’s Hopping Maniacs performing with “Le Cotton Club de New York” at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, summer 1937. (left to right) Naomi Waller and Frankie Manning, Lucille Middleton and Jerome Williams, Mildred Cruse and Billy Williams.
Photo credit: studio c. bracken
Frankie Manning Foundation
For more in depth information on Frankie’s history and information on supporting his legacy, please go to the Frankie Manning Foundation
New York Times
Lindy Hop is Back
Cemetery Plot Next to an Idol
Available: Amazon and Tempe University Press
Blog Posts
Saved by Swing from Emily Schwartz Greco on Frankie Manning
Frankie Manning Tribute Video
Frankie Manning – Charleston – Spirit Moves
Tommy Greco and Emily Schwartz Greco created this tribute documentary in 2003, when Frankie Manning was 88 years young. It features interviews with him, along with Norma Miller, Dawn Hampton, Jean Veloz, Ray Phelps, Erik Robison, Yuval Hod, and Nathalie Gomes, plus footage of the DC-Baltimore lindy hop / swing scene at that time.