How to Submit & Blog Rules
What I cover: This blog focuses on swing dances in NYC or be verynearby vicinity (easily accessible by mass transit) with Lindy Hop, Balboa, Blues and Charleston, but not mixed ballroom or fusion events.
- Events must have a 2 set minimum
- Events must have space for 3-5 couples.
- For workshops, I am prioritizing internationally known traveling instructors. Beyond that, it is at my discretion as my schedule allows
- I do have pages dedicated to purchasing CDs or other online instruction opportunities, so please look at those pages, and feel free to submit if you think it’s a match.
How to Submit: If you wish to submit an event, please use the form below and include WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and HOW MUCH. I will not consider gigs without the band name listed and I am not posting personal phone numbers. If we are friends in real life, just send me a Facebook invite. I’m not accepting friend requests from band leaders / managers I do not know.
Deadlines: Submissions should come in no later than midnight on Friday of each week, as I aim to publish once per week on Saturday or Sunday. Important note – I am VERY busy, so please try to get your event out in a timely fashion, as I don’t guarantee if/when last minute updates will happen.
Important Notes: These postings come from various Lindy calendars, message board postings, Facebook invites, and emails. If the information is public, I will post it and will only do revisions for critical details.
No Argument Policy: Please note… organizers/band leaders/dancers, I do this for the swing community, I have no time for debates or disagreements, so I’m clearly spelling out what I will and will not do. My time is limited right now, so I will not debate or defend my decisions, as this as a free service for the swing community. Giving me headaches jeopardizes the longevity of this blog.
Events are subject to change based on the event organizers, I catch as much as possible, but I can’t guarantee I’ll catch them all. If there are any question, check with the event organizers.
Please check before submitting to see if I’ve already included your event at: This Week in Swing NYC